Propane Service Tips & News

Lights on, lights off- the best methods for saving energy in the home becomes almost meditative. With technology changing, homeowners looking to reduce the carbon footprint, and of course,..... Read More

We’re in the middle of the winter months, and keeping warm in the household is one of the top priorities. It can also tend to be the most costly.... Read More

Things are cooling down this time of the year and that means propane water heaters are taking the stage to supply consistent hot water in your home. With increased heating comes increased energy use.... Read More

The Atlantic Ocean in brewing this hurricane season, and Floridians know what that means...stocking up on supplies, getting the old generator out and making sure there is plenty of gasoline in the know how those gas station lines can get in lieu of a storm.... Read More

Life is busy. You have work and family to focus on, and the free time you have should be spent enjoying the little things, not worrying about maintenance!... Read More

Homes aren’t the only establishments that use propane, in fact many business are turning to this amazing fuel source for commercial use... Read More

Is your kitchen powered by propane? If not, well it should be! Cooking indoors with propane gas is not only energy efficient and easy on the ol’ wallet, but offers a high quality cooking experience preferred by homeowners and.... Read More

Summer is here and so are ALL of the summer activities we’ve been longing for...cook outs, beach cruising, sunsets, sunrises and outdoor shenanigans around Jacksonville and.... Read More

Gas fireplaces take the blue ribbon when it comes to convenience. You can start your roaring fire instantly with the flip of a switch instead of piling wood the old fashioned way. Propane gas burns clean, reducing the carbon footprint and doesn’t leave your hair and clothes smelling of smoke. Best of all, there is virtually no clean up and you save monthly on your energy bill to boot. But, do you know what fireplace design is most efficient for your home?.... Read More

Have you seen the new Griffis Gas truck? The Wheelin' & HEALin' truck is helping raise funds to Heal Every Autistic Life in Northeast FL!.... Read More

Making the decision to utilize propane gas in your home is already a huge positive step towards reducing the carbon footprint and saving money. Cooking indoors with propane can further save energy when taking small.... Read More

So, you’re ready to start saving by switching to propane gas for heating your home, but with so many propane gas companies to choose from, what questions do you need to ask in order to make the best choice?.... Read More

Floridians are lucky when it comes to the winter months. Blizzards are experienced through television, some have no clue how to deal with frost on car windshields (slowly raises hand) and flip flops.... Read More

It’s football season ya’ll and as the games roll out, so do the football parties and get togethers. Nothing is better than friends, family, football and BBQ, but there are a few golden rules to follow.... Read More

Halloween is just around the corner folks! That means the weather is pleasant, kids are getting their costumes ready and it’s time to plaster the house and yard with spooky decorations. Really want to release.... Read More

Halloween is just around the corner folks! That means the weather is pleasant, kids are getting their costumes ready and it’s time to plaster the house and yard with spooky decorations. Really want to release.... Read More

If there’s one mechanism of the propane system you want to be familiar with, it’s the regulator. According to Propane 101, a regulator’s primary function is to control the flow of gas from the tank to the connecting.... Read More

The uses and benefits of propane gas are endless. When you make the decision to switch to gas power in your home, you’re not only taking a step towards energy efficiency and lower bills, but.... Read More

It’s summertime in Florida and the living is easy! With balmy climates, beautiful beaches and bright blue skies, it’s no wonder outdoor grilling is a huge part of.... Read More

The propane industry is growing more and more every day as its diverse benefits and innovative uses are changing the way the world is powered. Since 1941, families and businesses... Read More
Some thought the idea was a tad bit loco when Susan Roush-McClenaghan and Donnie Bowles, Jr. of Roush Incorporated, Inc. decided to start the Roush Drag Team a few years ago. Well, they didn’t want to race... Read More
I’m sure you’ve heard that by switching to propane gas in your home, you’re not only reducing costs but also living more eco-friendly- and that’s a huge plus for anyone looking for ways to improve an energy efficient lifestyle. Read More
It’s no secret that propane gas can be used in a multitude of ways, but propane users are taking things a step further by getting creative with old propane tanks and turning them into homemade wood stoves. How sweet is that? Read More

Spring is right around the corner, and after a long, cold winter I know everyone is just itching to get outside to enjoy that anticipated warm weather. Read More

It's almost time for the biggest, most exciting sports event of the year. That's right, the Super Bowl is finally here! As the Carolina Panthers and Denver Broncos are gearing up for the championship game, BBQ afficionados all over the country are planning menus, making plans with friends and family, and stocking refrigerators in anticipation. We put together a few handy tips that will help make your BBQ truly super. Read More

They call Florida the Sunshine State, and for good reason. For most of the year, we get to enjoy some of the nicest weather you'll find anywhere. There's no better place in the world to kick back on a beach or get in a nice round of golf. As anyone who actually lives in Jacksonville could tell you, though, the winters here can get seriously cold. Read More

You might not even realize it, but over the last 105 years, propane has become a huge part of American life. Originally discovered right here in the United States by Dr. Walter Snelling in 1910, propane is the cheapest, Read More

Summer is winding down here in Jacksonville, and Fall is right around the corner. In Northeast Florida, that can only mean one thing. It's time to get those grills ready, because Jaguars football season is finally here! Read More

When you come home from a hard day's work, there's nothing quite like a nice, hot shower. There's nothing worse, though, than when the hot water runs out midway through and you're stuck showering in lukewarm water. That's why tankless water heaters from Griffis Gas are an increasingly popular option. Read More

You probably never even think about your dryer. It sits in your laundry room or your garage and when you need dry clothes, you put them in and push the button. It's so commonplace that you just take it for granted. By switching from a traditional electric dryer to a propane dryer, you can save a tremendous amount of time and money, and that's something worth thinking about. Read More

Here on the First Coast, dealing with storms is a way of life. With rain coming in from the Atlantic, big storms rolling out of the Gulf, and the yearly threat of tropical storms and hurricanes, you never know when the weather might turn bad. When a storm hits, one of the first things to go is usually electricity. Read More

The cooler months are almost upon us once again, and it is time to begin thinking about the best ways to heat your home this winter. Whether you are adding a new heating source to your home, or you want to upgrade from an existing heating source, you have a lot of options available to you. Read More

There are several different types of spa heaters. Each of these heaters has its pros and cons. If you are looking to add a new spa, or change out the heater on an existing spa, you should consider a propane heater. Read More

Propane is cheap and efficient, and is one of the most popular fuel sources. There are a few safety precautions that you should keep in mind when working with propane. Read More
Propane is one of the safest and most efficient fuel sources you can use. In addition, it is very inexpensive, so you can get the convenience of propane on any budget. As with any fuel source, it is important to observe the proper safety precautions when cooking in your home with propane. Read More
Propane vehicles are becoming increasingly popular. Many companies are switching their fleet vehicles to propane from the more expensive gas and diesel engine options. Propane provides a wide variety of benefits that you just can’t get from other fuel options. Read More
Propane is one of the safest energy sources to use in a home. Propane is great for the environment as it burns cleaner than other fuel sources. Propane is also great for your budget, as it is much cheaper than other sources of energy. However, on rare occasions, residents may experience a propane leak in their home. Read More
When it comes to hot water heaters for your home, you are faced with many decisions. Size, type, brand and model. You must also choose between water heaters that use electricity for heating and those that use propane to heat your water. Read More
Tankless water heaters have many residential applications; they can also be used in a wide variety of commercial settings. Tankless water heaters provide cost savings and can be more convenient than standard water heaters. Read More
Nearly everyone loves to have a propane grill on their deck or patio. Propane cooks more evenly and the food that you cook generally tastes better from a propane grill. There are less charred spots or uncooked portions when you cook with propane. Read More
Most people are looking for ways to save money and stretch the budget a little further. There are many ways you can use propane to help you do this. You can convert your appliances to use propane energy, you can cook with propane. Read More
When you are dealing with propane forklifts, there are several important safety precautions that must be followed, in addition to normal safety precautions that apply to all types of forklifts. Read More
When you are purchasing a new forklift for your business, you have a lot of choices. There are many brands that make quality forklifts that will last for years with proper care and maintenance. There are a lot of options you can choose from. Read More
There are many benefits to using propane as a fuel source. Consumers enjoy the cost savings and energy efficient properties of propane. Home builders can also benefit from offering propane in the new construction that they build. Read More
Most homeowners take pride in their property and want everything to be visually appealing. Having a large, unsightly propane tank on your property can detract from the beauty of your home. A lot of homeowners wish to paint their propane tanks to blend in with their landscaping and the colors of their home and other buildings on their property. Read More
The price of gasoline is constantly increasing, and auto manufacturers and other interested parties are continually looking for alternative fuels to power vehicles. Electric cars are at the forefront of this push for alternative fuels. However, propane vehicles are another alternative, and can be cheaper and more efficient than electric vehicles. Read More
There are many great reasons to use propane in your home or business. In addition to the cost savings and better performance propane provides, there are many financial incentives offered to propane customers. Read More
There are many reasons consumers choose propane to fuel their homes over other energy sources. Propane performs better, providing better power to propane-fueled products in the home. Propane is more cost-efficient and saves money on utility bills. Read More
Many consumers are looking to become more environmentally-friendly when purchasing appliances, while also saving money. By purchasing the proper appliances, you not only save money on your utility bills, you also save money on the actual appliances themselves. Read More